Overcoming the Fear of Failure

3 min readSep 23, 2021

I may have just learned the greatest lesson I could've ever hoped to learn in my life. How long it'll last only time will tell, but hopefully my revelation can help others out there who struggle with similar feelings as I have, and look for answers to overcome their pessimistic views on life and themselves. If you'd like to read the article there will be a link below and in my profile for more of a breakdown. I won't leave the rest of you wondering, though.

The answer to all my problems has been to stop trying to control outcomes in my life. I've always had a feeling that I could achieve great things, to become a great person who would help lift others up. The problem is that I never actually ACCOMPLISHED anything, these were feelings I came to believe through absolutely no application of myself. The reason being that I was taking in knowledge and information without ever actually putting in work. I had theories and concepts down to a T, but real-life experience; there wasn't any. This resulted in a dichotomy between who I BELIEVED myself to be and who I REALLY was.

As I started getting older I searched more and more for answers on how to become someone. Eventually this search changed to how I might stop feeling so tired, depressed, anxious, and stressed. I was worried about the future and always had this feeling that my time was running out, even though logically I knew I was still young and had all the time in the world. Then, finally, I looked inward. I started trying to better understand myself and when I did I started to see the reason for my gnashing and flailing about for answers. I asked myself questions. "Why do I want to succeed?" "What is success?" "What is Happiness?" "What am I afraid of?" "Why am I afraid?" And with each question I was able to understand myself better and direct my thoughts until finally I came to my recent understanding: that I fear failure.

So, what is the answer to this problem? To embrace failure. To stop trying so hard to control the outcomes of my actions and instead to be content with my actions. To stop trying to increase my likelihood of success by learning first and instead to just do.

The link to my other article 🔻🔻





why I write: what I post are my self-reflections. They're intended for my improvement and growth. I share them so that others like me can learn from my mistakes